In the summer of 1990, in the few hopeful months between the fall of the Berlin Wall and Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait, George Dillon arrived in Edinburgh with Stunning the Punters (and Other Stories) directed by Laurence Boswell. The triple bill, featuring Dostoevsky’s The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, received extraordinary reviews and marked the beginning of Dillon’s career as a solo performer.
“I am applauding an unapologetic display of virtuosity until the blood runs… he has the vocal precision of a Gielgud, the physical presence and skill of Marceau, and a heart, mind, and attack that are all his own.”
Though written more than a hundred years ago, Dostoevsky’s The Dream of a Ridiculous Man is a timeless dystopian parable of human nature, a lament for our follies and our collective drive towards damnation. His address to the audience starts slowly, but the roller-coaster of optimism and pessimism accelerates to a stunning conclusion which paradoxically manages to convey a glimmer of hope in the depths of despair.
“Nowhere in the world will you hear a sharper sermon about human frailty this Sabbath… the craft of acting carried to a pinnacle of virtuosity.”